My Prusa Journey: From Novice to Advocate


Michael Borck

From Tinkerer to Prusa Enthusiast: A Personal 3D Printing Odyssey

My journey into the world of 3D printing began later than most, but it’s been a ride filled with discoveries, challenges, and ultimately, a deep appreciation for Prusa printers. Let me take you through my evolution in the 3D printing landscape.

The Humble Beginnings: Prusa Mendel

It all started when I stumbled upon a Prusa Mendel for a bargain price. Little did I know, this would be my crash course in 3D printing basics. Getting that first print was a challenge, but it ignited a passion I didn’t know I had.

The DIY Phase: Prusa i3 from Makerbot

Next came a Prusa i3 from Makerbot. I dove headfirst into modifications, converting it to use 1.75mm filament. This project taught me the intricacies of 3D printer mechanics and the importance of standardization in the industry.

The Ender 3 Craze: A Lesson in Modding

Like many, I was swept up in the Creality Ender 3 phenomenon. What started as an affordable entry into 3D printing turned into an endless cycle of modifications. Bed leveling, hotend upgrades, direct drive conversions – you name it, I tried it. By the end, my Ender 3 was unrecognizable, and I realized that 3D printing had become more about tinkering than actual printing.

The Revelation: Prusa i3 MK3

Everything changed when I acquired my first Prusa i3 MK3. Suddenly, 3D printing became as straightforward as using a paper printer. The ease of use was a revelation – this is what 3D printing should be! It was a turning point in my journey.

Understanding the Prusa Magic

Intrigued by the Prusa’s reliability, I began to dissect what made it special. I realized it wasn’t just one thing, but an entire ecosystem: - The meticulously calibrated hardware - The user-friendly yet powerful PrusaSlicer - The finely-tuned firmware

This holistic approach to 3D printing design was eye-opening.

Spreading the Prusa Philosophy

Inspired, I started backporting Prusa firmware to other RAMPS-based boards. I discovered that with the right firmware tweaks and slicer settings, I could breathe new life into older printers, giving them a taste of that Prusa reliability.

The Future: Embracing Innovations

Today, with advancements like Klipper’s input shaping, I’m excited to see how much more we can push these machines. The Prusa i3 design has stood the test of time, proving that good design is enduring.

Why I Created This Hub

This journey from novice to enthusiast is why I created the Prusa Legacy Upgrade Hub. I want to share the knowledge I’ve gained, help others breathe new life into their printers, and celebrate the ingenuity of the Prusa design. Whether you’re resurrecting an old Mendel or fine-tuning an MK3S+, there’s always room for improvement and innovation.

From Silent Observer to Community Contributor

For the longest time, I was a silent participant in the 3D printing community. I lurked in forums, absorbed knowledge from discussions, but held back from actively contributing. The fear of potential criticism from keyboard warriors kept me on the sidelines.

This site represents more than just a hub for Prusa upgrades – it’s my first step in giving back to a community that has unknowingly nurtured my growth in 3D printing. I’ve realized that every voice, every experience matters. My journey from hesitant observer to creating this resource is a testament to the power of shared knowledge and the importance of overcoming our fears to contribute.

I hope that by sharing my experiences – both successes and failures – I can not only help fellow Prusa enthusiasts but also encourage others who might be hesitant to share their insights. This community thrives on collective wisdom, and every contribution, no matter how small, moves us all forward.

So, whether you’re a seasoned expert or a silent learner like I once was, I invite you to join in, share your experiences, and be part of this collaborative journey in pushing the boundaries of what our Prusa printers can do.

Join me in this ongoing adventure of keeping our Prusa printers at the cutting edge, one upgrade at a time!